Najibul Haque

Najibul Haque Sarker

About me

If you are in a hurry

  • Hi I am Najib - Upcoming CS graduate student @ Virginia Tech, MLE @ IQVIA, Research Intern @ Xulab, Fresh Graudate @ BUET CSE.
  • Passionate about Deep Learning Research and Competitions. Specifically in the fields of Computer Vision, Video-Language and Multi-Modality.
  • Author of 4 papers
  • Participated and won in multiple deep learning competitions. Received rank of Kaggle Competitions Master in Kaggle.
  • CGPA 3.95/4. Receievd the Dean's List scholarship for academic excellence.

If you have some time

**UPDATE** I have accepted an offer to join Virginia Tech Computer Science Department as a graduate student this Fall. I will be working under the guidance of Dr. Chris Thomas.

I am Najib (he/him), a fresh graduate from the Department of CSE, BUET. I am currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer in IQVIA which is a human data science company. I have a deep interest for Deep Learning research and competitions. I am the author of 4 published papers. I have also achieved the rank of Competitions Master in Kaggle. My research interests lie in the fields of Computer Vision, Vision-Language as well as Multi-Modality. My current career goal is to pursue a graduate program in my field of interest.

I am working as a research intern for XuLab at Carnegie Mellon University, working under the supervision of Dr Min Xu and guidance of postdoctorial researcher Ali Dabouei on joint Vision-Language tasks. I have worked on two different projects till now. From the first project, I have a first author paper published titled Detecting anomalies from liquid transfer videos in automated laboratory setting which is a work on Video Anomaly Detection. From the second project, I have a co-first author paper titled Leveraging Generative Language Models for Weakly Supervised Sentence Component Analysis in Video-Language Joint Learning which is on Video-Language tasks and has been accepted at CVPRW 2024.

My undergraduate thesis project was under Dr. M. Sohel Rahman through which I developed a scheme utilizing forward diffusion guided reconstruction task. Based on the results of the thesis, we have published a paper titled Forward Diffusion Guided Reconstruction as a Multi-Modal Multi-Task Learning Scheme which was accepted for oral presentation in ICIP 2023. Furthermore, I worked under the supervision of Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah in the task of Synthetic Image Detection and based on our results we published a paper titled ArtiFact: A Large-Scale Dataset with Artificial and Factual Images for Generalizable and Robust Synthetic Image Detection in ICIP 2023.

I am currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer at IQVIA. I am part of the Next Best Action Machine Learning Team, where my day to day work ranges from PoC (Proof of Concept) work of our upcoming products and maintaining our existing algorithm codebase.

My Resume

Work Experience

  1. Machine Learning Engineer

    Next Best Action ML Team


    June 2023 — Present

  2. Research Internship


    Computational Biology Department

    Carnegie Mellon University

    Jan 2022 — Present

    Working under the supervision of Dr Min Xu on Computer Vision and Vision-Language projects. Previously worked on video anomaly detection, currently working on video grounding and moment retrieval.


  1. Leveraging Generative Language Models for Weakly Supervised Sentence Component Analysis in Video-Language Joint Learning

    Zaber Ibn Abdul Hakim, Najibul Haque Sarker, Rahul Pratap Singh, Bishmoy Paul, Ali Dabouei, Min Xu Accepted at CVPRW 2024 Same contribution as 1st author Computer Vision, Vision-Language, Multi Modality

    Second research intern project under the supervision of Dr Min Xu and project leader Ali Dabouei. In this work, we try to enhance video-language joint learning tasks by incorporating comprehension about significance of sentence components in the context of video-text analysis. Specifically, we utilize LLMs to generate component targeted negative samples which we use for contrastive learning along with an additional adaptive negative importance estimation module. This paper was accepted at CVPRW 2024 (7th Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop).

    | Article |
  2. Forward Diffusion Guided Reconstruction as a Multi-Modal Multi-Task Learning Scheme

    NH Sarker, MS Rahman 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3180-3184 1st Author Publication Computer Vision, Medical Imaging, Diffusion

    This is based on my undergraduate thesis. Worked under the supervision of Dr. M. Sohel Rahman to develop a novel multi-task mechanism utilizing the forward diffusion process for segmenting brain MRI images. The work was accepted for oral presentation in ICIP 2023.

    | Article | Presentation | Preprint |
  3. ArtiFact: A Large-Scale Dataset with Artificial and Factual Images for Generalizable and Robust Synthetic Image Detection

    M. A. Rahman, B. Paul, N. H. Sarker, Z. I. A. Hakim and S. A. Fattah 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2200-2204 Same contribution as 1st author Image Generation, Synthetic Image Detection

    This paper is based on our results of IEEE VIP CUP 2022: Synthetic Image Detection Challenge where my team ranked 1st in LB. In this work, to assess the generalizability and robustness of synthetic image detectors in the face of real-world impairments, we presents a large-scale dataset1 named ArtiFact, comprising diverse generators, object categories, and real-world challenges. We propose a multi-class classification scheme combined with a filter stride reduction strategy that addresses social platform impairments and effectively detects synthetic images from both seen and unseen generators. This work was done under the supervision of Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah and the paper was accepted for poster presentation in ICIP 2023.

    | Article | Github |
  4. Detecting anomalies from liquid transfer videos in automated laboratory setting

    NH Sarker, ZA Hakim, A Dabouei, MR Uddin, Z Freyberg, A MacWilliams, J Kangas, M Xu Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 10, 1147514 1st Author Publication Video Anomaly Detection, Object Tracking

    First research intern project under the supervision of Dr Min Xu and project leaders Mostafa Rafid Uddin and Ali Dabouei In this work, we address the problem of detecting anomalies in a certain laboratory automation setting through utilizing practical human-engineered feature extraction method to detect anomalies from liquid transfer video images. The paper was accepted in the journal Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences.

    | Article |
  5. Syn-Att: Synthetic Speech Attribution via Semi-Supervised Unknown Multi-Class Ensemble of CNNs

    M. A. Rahman, B. Paul, N. H. Sarker, Z. I. A. Hakim and S. A. Fattah Same contribution as 1st author Signal Processing, Synthetic Speech Attribution

    This paper is based on our results of IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2022: Synthetic Speech Attribution Challenge where we became the Winners. The challenge was to detect synthetic speech from natural ones and also identify the algorithm behind the fake speech. In this work, a detector network is proposed that transforms the audio into log-mel spectrogram, extracts features using CNN, and classifies it between five known and unknown algorithms, utilizing semi-supervision and ensemble to improve its robustness and generalizability significantly. This work was done under the supervision of Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah.

    | Article | Github |


  1. B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering

    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

    April 2018 - May 2023

    CGPA: 3.95/4.00

  2. Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC)

    Notre Dame College


    GPA: 5.00/5.00

  3. Secondary School Certificate (SSC)

    St Joseph Higher Secondary School


    GPA: 5.00/5.00

Technical Skills

  1. Programming Languages

    Python, C++, JavaScript, Java, C#, SQL, Bash, CSS, Latex

  2. Frameworks

    Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Sklearn, React, Bootstrap, Django

  3. Tools

    AWS Sagemaker, Git, Wandb, Trello, Oracle, PostgreSQL


  • Similarity-through-extracted-phrases-using-Self-Cross-Attention-Bert


    View on Github

    Pytorch, Huggingface, Sklearn

    Term Project for CSE 472: Machine Learning Sessional offered by the CSE Department of BUET. This project modifies the existing architecture of Bert to introduce self-cross attention and measures the performances on a semantic similarity task.

  • Vectorized Convolutional Neural Network from Scratch


    View on Github

    Numpy, Wandb

    A vectorized version of a Convolutional Neural Network using only numpy without any deeplearning frameworks. Training and testing of the developed model is done on the NumtaDB: Bengali Handwritten Digits dataset. This project is part of the final assignment of CSE 472: Machine Learning Sessional offered by the CSE Department of BUET. The final score was tested on a hidden dataset and my implementation ranked 1 among all the submissions in the course.

  • Forage, A Complete Research Tool


    View on YouTubeView on Github

    Django REST, ReactJS, PostgresDB

    Implemented Forage, a complete tool for research management. Forage streamlines research management by providing a comprehensive solution for exploring, collaborating, and submitting research projects. This was the term Project for CSE 408: Software Development Sessional offered by the CSE Department of BUET.

  • TCP-Adaptive Reno


    View on Github


    Simulation and implementation of a congestion control algorithm on two different topologies using NS3 - a network simulator. This was the term project for the CCSE 322: Computer Networks course offered by the CSE Department of BUET.

  • Xv6 Memory Management


    View on Github

    Xv6 Operating System

    Developed the paging framework of xv6 operating system, as well as implementing many other functionalities of the operating system. This assignments are for the CSE 314: Operating System Sessional course offered by the CSE Department of BUET.

  • Compiler from scratch


    View on Github

    Xv6 Operating System

    A compiler is made from scratch using yacc and bison. This assignments are for the CSE 310: Compiler Sessional course offered by the CSE Department of BUET.

  • Pandemic


    View on YouTube

    Django, Oracle SQL

    An online dashboard for pandemic updates. This was the term project for the CSE 216: Database Management System Sessional course offered by the CSE Department of BUET.

  • Bookabook


    View on Github

    Java, JavaFX, Hibernate ORM

    An online peer-to-peer book sharing platform . This was the term project for the CSE 108: Object Oriented Programming Sessional course offered by the CSE Department of BUET. This project won the 2nd prize for Project Showcasing in BUET CSE Fest 2019.



IEEE SPS Competitions

  1. IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2022: Synthetic Speech Attribution

    Winner Team 2022

    [Competition Website]

    Part of the Winner team "Synthesizer". We developed a solution for synthetic audio detection and attribution. We wrote a paper based on our winning solution which is currently under review in ICASSP 2024

  2. IEEE VIP CUP 2022: Synthetic Image Detection Challenge

    Runner's Up Team (Rank 1 in LB) 2022

    [Competition Website] , [Leaderboard Scores]

    Part of the Runner's Up team "Megatron". We developed a solution for synthetic image detection and identifying both seen and unseen generator used to create such fake images. We wrote a paper based on our winning solution which is accepted in ICIP 2023

  3. IEEE VIP CUP 2021: Privacy-Preserving In-Bed Human Pose Estimation

    Rank 1 in Phase1 Test LB 2021

    [Competition Website], [Test1 Leaderboard Scores]

    Part of team "Proletarians2021". We developed a solution for in-bed pose estimation where the subject is under covers and there is no annotations available for training. Thus, we needed to figure out a way to detect pose under occluded conditions having annotated data for only the unoccluded cases.

  4. IEEE VIP CUP 2020 - Real-time vehicle detection and tracking at using fisheye camera

    Runner's Up 2020

    [Competition Website]

    Part of team "Multi-layer Perceptron". We developed a solution for real time vehicle detection and tracking using a fisheye camera. The real challenge was dealing with the distortion caused by fisheye cameras and adapting conventional detection models to this kind of data.

Kaggle Competitions

  1. Kaggle Community Competition Creator Prize

    Winner as Competiton Host July 2022

    [Winner Announcement]

    Organized the first ever Deep Learning competition to be held in BUET CSE Festivals titled DL Sprint - BUET CSE Fest 2022. The competiton was cohosted by Bengali.AI and hosted in Kaggle. The problem was regarding automatic Bengali speech recognition. During that time, Kaggle awarded us as one of the best community competition created in the platform specifically for the well configured dataset, a compelling problem statement with links to external resources, and impressive engagement with the community.

  2. KaggleDays x ZbyHP Championship Meetup in Shanghai

    Joint 1st Nov 2021

    [Competition Website]

    The challenge was regarding keypoint detection from images.

  3. SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA COVID-19 Detection and Localization from Chest X-ray

    Rank 1 (Student team) & Rank 4 (Global rank), Gold Medal Aug 2021

    [Competition Website], [Solution Writeup], [Github]

    Part of team 'RTX 4090'. We developed a solution identifying and localizing COVID-19 abnormalities on chest radiographs. Got the rank Kaggle Competitions Master after getting a gold medal from this competition.

  4. BirdCLEF 2021 - Identify bird calls in soundscape recordings

    Silver Medal June 2021

    [Competition Website]

    Part of team "phoenix". The competition was about acoustic identification of birds in soundscape recordings.

  5. Shopee - Determine if two products are the same by their images

    Bronze Medal May 2021

    [Competition Website]

    Part of team "ensemblers". The competition was about product matching using both images and texts.

  6. VinBigData - Chest X-ray Abnormalities Detection

    Silver Medal March 2021

    [Competition Website]

    Part of team "RTX 4090". The competition was about localizing and classifying thoracic abnormalities from chest radiographs .

  7. Cassava Leaf Disease Classification

    Bronze Medal Feb 2021

    [Competition Website]

    Part of team "RTX 4090". The competition was about identification of diseases from leaf images.

  8. NFL 1st Place and Future - Detect helmet impacts in videos of NFL plays

    Silver Medal Jan 2021

    [Competition Website]

    Part of team "RTX 4090". The competition was about detecting helmet impacts from NFL game clips.

  9. Global Wheat Detection

    Silver Medal Aug 2021

    [Competition Website]

    Part of team "Deeplomats". The competition was about detecting wheat heads from images.

Other Competitions

  1. Deep Chimpact: Depth Estimation for Wildlife Conservation

    Winner Nov 2021

    [Competiton Link (Hosted in DrivenData)], [Winner Announcement], [Github]

    Part of Winning Team 'RTX 4090'. The challenge was regarding depth estimation of animals in camera trap videos.

  2. DhakaAI - Traffic Detection in Dhaka

    Winner Dec 2020

    [Winner Announcement]

    The challenge was regarding vehicle detection in the context of Dhaka city which is one of the most densest city in the world and includes vehicles not seen in other parts of the world.

  3. BUET CSE Fest 2019 Hackathon - Cloud Computing

    Runners Up April 2019


    The challenge was to utilize cloud APIs to build chatbot and integrate speech recognition and emotion identification.

Leadership Experience

  1. Program Committee Chair

    IEEE Computer Society, BUET Student Branch Chapter

    May 2022 - May 2023

    [Committee Announcement]

    Coordinated several inter-university workshops related to software engineering, job seminars, deep learning workshops and competitions such as GameJAM. We got awarded the Best CS Student Branch Chapter certificate for our activities.

  2. Lead Organizer

    DL Sprint

    June 2022 - August 2022

    [Competition Link]

    Organized the first ever deep learning competition to be hosted in BUET CSE Festivals. As the lead organizer, my duties ranged from gathering sponsors and co-hosts to generating and preparing the competition dataset and ensuring the competition goes without a hitch. We partnered with Bengali.AI and hosted this competiton in Kaggle. The competition was a resounding success with 122 competitors comprising of 59 teams and 470 submissions. Kaggle recognized our efforts by providing us the Kaggle Community Competition Creator Prize [Winner Announcement].

  3. Organizer

    BUET CSE FEST 2022

    June 2022 - August 2022

    [Visit our Facebook Page]

    Besides being the lead organizer for the deep learning competition, I also coordinated several inter-university competitions such as hackathon, programming contest, AI contest; as well as cultural programs on behalf of the graduating class.

  4. Speaker

    Kaggle and DL Workshop

    June 2022

    [Event Link]

    Workshop was an introduction of deep learning and how to efficiently utilize Kaggle as a DL based competition website and learning tool. Main focus of the workshop is to promote interest in deep learning competitions to the next generation of undergrads.

  5. Joint Secretary

    Scintilla Science Club

    Jan 2013 - March 2014

    Played a pivotal role in the organization of Science Fair 2013 in St Joseph Highest Secondary School.